The Microteiid Lizard (Alopoglossus lehmanni) is the smallest lizard in the world, it is endemic to Colombia and is Critically Endangered CR, by the IUCN, on the verge of extinction.
For the construction of this plan, it was necessary to evaluate both the Microteiid Lizard (Alopoglossus lehmanni) populations in the area for more than five months and the evaluation of the relationships between the local Emberá indigenous communities and the Microteiid Lizard (ethno-zoology) due to the little information existing prior to the formulation of this plan. This allowed the involvement of the community (Emberá indigenous administration council), as well as entities interested in the process (national parks, natural foundation SIG, foundation natibo, CORPOCHOCÓ) in the consolidation of this document, in order to develop a plan of action according to needs current area.

This plan was conceived through five lines of action framed within the national policy for wildlife management: 1) research and monitoring, 2) sustainable management, 3) information and dissemination, 4) legislation, management and institutional strengthening, and 5) education, training and participation] and is designed for a period of 10 years. The development of strategic lines includes strategies that are prioritized to be carried out in the short, medium and long term. The main actors identified for the execution of this plan are: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, CORPOCHOCÓ, national parks, research institutes (INVEMAR and Humboldt), universities that carry out biological studies with influence in the area, NGOs, and the indigenous community Emberá.
Keywords: Tropical dry forest, Alopoglossus lehmanni, Emberá Dobidá National Natural Park, Andes mountains, use of substrate