Proyectos Sociales
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The PROGRAM FOR THE PROTECTION OF SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS IN INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES IN THE COLOMBIAN ANDEAN MOUNTAINS 2020-2030 is an initiative led by WOMEN FOR BIODIVERSITY ORG with the aim of guaranteeing safe access to abortion and strengthening the sexual and reproductive rights of 50,000 women, girls and LGBTI people belonging to the EMBERÁ …
Categories: Proyectos Sociales Social Projects(0) administrador
By WOMEN FOR BIODIVERSITY ORGPublished on 02/10/2025 In the middle of the dense Chocó jungle, the Emberá community has witnessed a radical change in its quality of life. Until recently, accessing drinking water meant traveling long distances under extreme conditions, with a supply that barely reached 5 liters per person per week, well below …
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SUMMARY The “Climately Integrated Management of Venezuelan Indigenous Migrants and Refugees, in Colombia” program, executed by the ecofeminist organization Women for Biodiversity Org, is proposed as a comprehensive and sustainable solution to address the humanitarian crisis faced by approximately 5,000 Venezuelan indigenous migrants from the State of Zulia. , Venezuela, currently refugees in the regions …
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The “ETHNO-PROGRAM TO PROTECT BIODIVERSITY THROUGH FOOTBALL IN THE COLOMBIAN AMAZON BASIN” is a comprehensive strategy designed by the Women for Biodiversity Corporation to address the serious problem of illegal wildlife trafficking in the Colombian Amazon basin. This program focuses on the participation of Ticuna indigenous boys and girls, between the ages of …
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SUMMARY This proposed program aims to address the need for water security of 300 families of the Ticuna indigenous community in the Colombian Amazon basin. The strategic plan to achieve this goal is the implementation of a solar powered water supply system, which is both environmentally friendly and sustainable in the long term. The infrastructure …
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En el presente proyecto, nuestra fundación adelanta capacitaciones y solicitud de fondos …
Categories: Proyectos Sociales(0) administrador
Programa TODOS SOMOS VENEZUELA, financiado con recursos de nuestra organización y liderado …
Categories: Proyectos Sociales