Based on an ecoregional planning exercise for the selection of priority sites for conservation in the Colombian Atlantic and the qualification of ecological criteria, 24,216.33 acres were identified as a potential site for the establishment of a marine protected area (MPA). This area presents a mosaic of marine and coastal ecosystems that encompass a number of fish, planktonic, benthic and species that, in set with the half, constitute an area of high heterogeneity and biodiversity only in the department of The Magdalena. The purpose of this job was designing the first AMP for the north of the department based on the evaluation of ecological criteria, proposed conservation and management objectives; postulating a management category within the current National System of Protected Areas (SINAP). By consequent, to leave of information secondary and Following the scheme methodological for the planning of The Nature Conservancy’s “Five S Scheme” sites, five conservation targets were identified (oC) of filter thick either habitats: formations corallines, grasslands of phanerogams, Beaches sandy, coast rocky and forests of mangrove swamp and three odC of filter fine: areas with presence of Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran), areas of feeding sea turtles such as the Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and migratory bird congregation areas. A feasibility analysis was developed for each object finding the area in a good state of biodiversity health. The analysis of criteria, feasibility and definition of the management objectives of the area made it possible to postulate the management category “National Park Natural” (type II, according to IUCN) as the most appropriate for the area. On the other hand, from a systematized process and with the help of a system medium of decisions (SSD) called MARXAN (University of Queens land) identified three intangible zones with which the minimum protection of 30% coverage of each of the objects, as initial contribution to zoning internal of AMP.
WORDS KEY: Areas marine protected, Palomino, Biodiversity, MARXAN, Park National Natural.