The Guaidó guan (Penelope ortoni) is an endemic bird of Colombia, whose habitats are the humid Andean forests, in the province of Chocó, Colombia. This bird is classified as Endangered (EN) by the IUCN Global Redlist due to the systematic elimination of its populations due to 3 threats: (i) Poaching; (ii) Destruction of habitats; (iii) Climate change. In the last 5 years, the WOMEN FOR BIODIVERSITY ORG, in agreement with the Embera indigenous community, has made conservation efforts to protect this turkey from extinction.
Through this program we propose conservation, education, communication and sustainability strategies to guarantee the survival of this bird and the surrounding biodiversity; attack identified threats, create protected natural are as and restrict poaching in prioritized habitats of this species. At the end of the implementation of this program, we expect that the population of our turkey will have increased from <250 to> 1,000 mature individuals, in the Emberá indigenous territory.
Keywords: Pava de guaidó; Embera indigenous community; conservation; extinction; threatened birds.